I mean... Come on. It's meat boy. It's legendary.
I mean... Come on. It's meat boy. It's legendary.
This game is amazing! It's simple to understand with potential for complexity, quick, snappy and fun! Great job!
Sleek. Stylish. Epic.
Thank you very much! :)
A very clean, well functioning, yet simple game that I am not good at.
Well you know what they say, get gud.
I don't know if this is just on my end but the game refused to load. If it's any help, here is the error message from the console that I recieved: Uncaught ReferenceError: cr_createRuntime is not defined
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (?NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID=1&NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID=6380fbf5ce503&NewgroundsAPI_SessionID=pZzqzFCEn78Zk92gFBv631854889326cf4701a12e0fc7ae2101366c23cbfP6xH&NewgroundsAPI_UserName=fancydoggames&NewgroundsAPI_UserID=10800082&ng_username=fancydoggames:105:4)
at l (jquery-2.0.0.min.js:3:24584)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-2.0.0.min.js:3:25405)
at Function.ready (jquery-2.0.0.min.js:3:2897)
at HTMLDocument.S (jquery-2.0.0.min.js:3:550)
This game is both fun and adorable! I love the PICO-8 style, and your game has a great spin on the classic dungeon crawler format. The turned-based movement works quite well!
It's a rather standard point and click, and seems rather unpolished, especially in regards to graphics. Not very exciting.
I do not like playing this the paddles are really slow. With some work, however, this could be something.
It's quite short, but it's absolutely adorable! I want more!
You'll love it once the full game it out, thanks for playing!
I'm a high schooler and game developer. Not much else to say. I hope you like my games!
Joined on 4/15/22